This site is intended to show how to overcome and achieve. The world is a big place and you may feel small and inadequate. Dealing with a disability creates and extra hurdle but it also makes you more determined to show that you do have a place. Follow along with us as I highlight Those who have gone above and beyond and achieved a level they worked very hard to reach.
This site is not just about the magnificent, once in a lifetime, 15 minutes of fame. These individuals share their disabilities, what they deal with on a daily basis, and what their goals are. Follow along with how they overcame their daily challenges to achieve their goal.
This site is not just about the magnificent, once in a lifetime, 15 minutes of fame. These individuals share their disabilities, what they deal with on a daily basis, and what their goals are. Follow along with how they overcame their daily challenges to achieve their goal.
There's no better place to start than with myself. As outlined in my profile I've had MS for over 24 years. When I was diagnosed I want from walking to drop foot, to a cane and a shoulder to hang on to within 18 months. These were just disturbances and I perservered through them. Do not think that I was doig this on my own. My suport group included my entire fanily, my wonderful husband, and good friends, even the friends I met going to Class. I became a Brownie Leader and never missed a choir concernt, sports game, play, or PTA conference. I was able to secure a job at the MN State Bar Association and conceived, built, and managed a successful affinity program. I worked for the Rehabilitation Services Depatment with our County government center trying to educated local businesses on the benefits of hiring individuals who had mental and physical disabilities, and then used my skills and knowledge to be the Marketing Manager at two small businesses.
Goals Achieved:
Finish School
Raise MyFamily
Get and Succeed in a Job
Did I stop there? Heck no. I also learned how to design and build stained glass windows. I have been doing this for nine+ yeears and have created some pretty cool windows:
Such as this wolf pair which are handing in my Dentist's office
Goals Achieved:
Finish School
Raise MyFamily
Get and Succeed in a Job
Did I stop there? Heck no. I also learned how to design and build stained glass windows. I have been doing this for nine+ yeears and have created some pretty cool windows:
Such as this wolf pair which are handing in my Dentist's office
This hanging panel displayed in
Dr. Randy Schapiro's Office
Dr. Randy Schapiro's Office
Or this special window, sponsored by the Champions of Courage through Betaseron. This hanging panel is at the MS Achievement Center in St. Paul, MN.